The world is showing greater acceptance to the LGBTQ community and recognizing the need for equal rights in all possible sphere. But it is still too far away from the ultimate goal of ‘life of pride’. This change in a social response in happening, although at a very slow pace, only because of assertiveness of the community who are asking fair questions and highlighting challenges, biases, prejudice, trans & homophobias through events mainly the music festivals.
It is a fact that mental and sexual orientation makes people from the LGBTQ community more creative and innovative. This sense of dynamism, freedom, colorfulness, and struggle gives them the unique power to express through music. The world has witnessed rise in the LGBTQ community music festivals and the trend is likely to continue as they need to make their presence felt. The unfortunate reality of the contemporary world is that homosexuality is still a punishable offense in over 70 countries.
Related: See why you need to express yourself through music.
The LGBT community is using the entire spectrum of music very effectively in highlighting the sexual orientation related biases, fear, phobias, frustration, angst and most importantly the equal right and hope. Support from the mainstream music industry in terms of coming out and giving space is helping the community to take the movement forward. When it comes to the spread of the LGBTQ community music festivals, it is still mostly limited in European and American space. Here are some of the major music events that are mobilizing a huge crowd and taking the movement forward.
OutMusic Awards
Starting in 1990 with just the few hundred people, today OutMusic Awards is a mega global music event that attracts all top artists from across the world. The first music award started in 2001, and in short span of time it is one of the biggest platforms where LGBTQ rights get echo, pitch, and melody.
Trans March
One of the largest gatherings of transgender happens in the month of June in San Francisco, California. The Trans March happens in the same Pride week with special focus on transgender rights. The volunteer-run event is successfully raising the issue through music festivals for the last 15 years. The idea is to strengthen the LGBTQ movement and make the presence felt through community events.
This is one of the most popular music event organized in New York. It takes place along with the World Pride in NYC. The event is organized by Ladyfag, known for organizing hottest LGBTQ events and parties in the dynamic city. Eminent music personalities participate in the event and support to cause. If you want to experience the power of freedom through music, be there and feel the vibration.
The Outing of Ireland
If you are looking for LGBTQ approved music festival in Europe, the Outing organized in Ireland is the perfect destination for you. The can feel the power of the community as it successfully won the battle by making same-sex marriages legal in 2010. Amazing spectrum music on LGBTQ themes in a highly energetic atmosphere will make your day memorable. You can participate in several activities and contribute towards the cause.
Way Out West of Sweden
There is no better place on earth other than Sweden when it comes to LGBTQ rights. It is accordingly called a Mecca of freedom lovers. Gothenburg is considered a top gay city in Sweden. In the month of June, the city organizes West Pride– one of the best festivals in the country. You simply cannot miss it as you get everything you want from such events. You will fall in love with the Scandinavian way of expressing passion through music.
JackieO’ Summer Party in Greece
Nondiscriminatory laws along with welcoming people make Greece one of the top destinations for LGBTQ people. The high level of acceptance of the LGBTQ culture makes it the hottest music festival venue of the world. You have to reach Mykonos, to feel the vibe of music of the JackieO’ Summer Party. The all summer long party in this upscale beach club will fill your life with thrill and passion.
Sónar in Spain
Just like Sweden, Spain is also known for its openness towards the LGBTQ community. The enacted Anti-Homophobia Act to make it an equal playing field for all removing all possible social barriers. You will find one or the other event throughout the year centered on the LGBTQ theme. The gay-friendly Mar Bella beach is a special attraction here. If you are a music lover and want to explore LGBTQ music, then the three-day-long Sónar music festival is for you. This is one of the most popular music festivals in Europe attracting over 100,000 visitors from across the world.
Life Ball, Austria
Being a part of the LGBTQ community, you simply cannot ignore city of Vienna. This stimulating city is known for producing masters with LGBTQ identity. The Homosexual Initiative of Vienna (HOSI) is at the center of all possible events happening in Austria. Life Ball, one of the biggest non-profit organized in Europe, happens in the month of June where artist from across the world performs.
Milkshake Festival of Netherlands
When it comes to the equality rights of the LGBTQ community, Amsterdam leads the chart with a long history of support for the cause. Welcoming folks of the city along with an amazing sense of camaraderie offers you the safest destination to let loose and enjoy the life with total freedom. If you are music festival fan, be in the city in the month of July to be at Milkshake Festival where you will get most enriching music along with the adventure.
Cultivate the culture of camaraderie by reading this article from INC.
Imagine a world where there is no discrimination of any nature. Look unrealistic in the current situation when millions of people are suffering only because of unawareness induced biases, phobia, and reactions. Music is a great healer as it takes you to the world where everything looks brilliantly equal. It keeps the spirit high to continue the fight with hope of seeing the less discriminatory world.